The Province of Central America Re-elects Its Provincial Prior

At the Santo Domingo Convent in Guatemala City, the Provincial Chapter of the Saint Vincent Ferrer Province of Central America re-elected Brother Ricardo Guardado Flores, OP, for a second four-year term

At the Santo Domingo Convent in Guatemala City, the Provincial Chapter of the Saint Vincent Ferrer Province of Central America re-elected Brother Ricardo Guardado Flores, OP, for a second four-year term. His first term lasted from May 2021 to November 2024. The election took place on November 19, 2024, and was confirmed by the Master of the Order, Brother Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, the following day. Brother Ricardo accepted the re-election on the same day (November 20, 2024).

Ricardo was born on January 14, 1978, in San Francisco, La Virtud, Lempira, Honduras. He entered the pre-novitiate on March 5, 2000, and began his novitiate in 2001 at the Saint Dominic Convent in San Salvador. He made his profession on January 26, 2002, was ordained as a deacon on November 16, 2008, and as a priest on October 24, 2009. Holding a degree in moral theology from the Pontifical University of Mexico, he has served as the superior of the Casa de Santa María Cahabón in Guatemala, the director of the pre-novitiate in San José, Costa Rica, from 2017 to 2019, and the Promoter of Justice and Peace for the Interprovincial Conference of Dominican Provinces of Latin America and the Caribbean (CIDALC) from 2019 to 2021.

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Publication Date: 2024-11-29 11:24:00
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