Letter of the Master for the Month for Peace 2024


Dominican Month for Peace

Rome, September 1, 2024

To all members of the Dominican Family

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This year’s Dominican Month of Peace is focused on Haiti, beginning on the First Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024, through end of December 2024. The Month of Peace provides us an opportunity to be in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in the Order who are subjected to different challenges.

For many years, the people in Haiti have been subjected to violent atrocities and human rights violation, incessant killings, kidnappings, sexual assaults, human trafficking, and forced labour. These have greatly impacted members of the Dominican Family, including their ability to meet physically, while others had to leave the country for safety reasons. Details of the situation in Haiti will be provided in the coming weeks.

We ask that you publish the Month of Peace for Dominican Family in Haiti and to encourage members of the Family within your entity, schools, parishes, and friends to participate in raising awareness. Please pray each week for our sisters and brothers in Haiti who continue to face threat to their lives. We ask too, that you also remember in your prayers, our sisters and brothers in Ukraine, Myanmar and others in life-threatening situations.

Webinars to raise awareness on the situation in Haiti are planned for November and December. The webinars will have simultaneous interpretations in English, Spanish and French. Details of the online seminar will be provided later. Please advertise the webinars and encourage participation of the Dominican Family and friends, once you receive the details. We encourage you to organize a public event to highlight the Month of Peace.

In the coming weeks, you will be able to access materials that include highlights of the current situation in Haiti and reflections on the Advent Sunday readings. These materials will be available in English, Spanish and French in: Dominican Month for Peace 2024 – Google Drive in the website of the Order (op.org). Feel free to adapt materials and reflections for your context and audience as you deem fit.

To guarantee coordination and a smooth running of the events:

  • Please appoint a coordinator for your entity to direct the events of the Month of Peace.
  • If you have produced some material on the Month for Peace, please share it with the General Promoter of Justice and Peace, fr. Aniedi Okure iustitia@curia.op.org, and the DSI Coordinator, Sr. Durstyne Farnan ngo@domlife.org.
  • We ask that the Coordinator of the Month for Peace informs the General Promoter and DSIC Coordinator of the activities within your entity.

How to send your Financial Contributions: Bank Information for Dominican Month of Peace

ORDO PRÆDICATORUM Convento Santa Sabina, Piazza Pietro d’Illiria 1, 00153 Rome, Italy

Please remember to indicate in the purpose “HAITI”

Datos para las transferencias. Utilícense el de EURO, principalmente. Données pour les transferts. S’il vous plaît utiliser l’EURO, essentiellement. Transfer information. Please use the EURO, primarily.
Moneda/Monnaie/CurrencyEuro €$ DOLLAR USA / USD
Curia Generalizia dell’Ordine dei frati PredicatoriCuria Generalizia dell’Ordine dei frati Predicatori
Código Fiscale /Fiscal Code8012159058480121590584
Banco/Banque/BankBPER BancaBPER Banca
Dirección banco
Adresse banque
Bank address
Largo Arenula, 32
00186 Roma
Largo Arenula, 32
00186 Roma
Nº de cuenta
Nº du compte
Account number
0000 0000 19830000 880 72419
IBANIT34 P 053 870 5006 0000 0000 1983IT82 J 053 870 5006 0000 8807 2419
Referencia —Motivo
Reference —Purpose
Quién paga y por qué
Qui paie et pourquoi
Who pays and why
Quién paga y por qué
Qui paie et pourquoi
Who pays and why

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Publication Date: 2024-09-20 01:30:11
Site: Dominican Order - News | Categories: News, | Views: 32