Letter of the Master of the Order to the Vocation Promoters

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The workshop for Vocation Promoters is being held in Rome, Italy, from June 17 to 23.

Bro Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP, Master of the Order wrote a message from Cordoba, Argentina, to the Vocation Promoters who will have days of formation in the city of Rome.

The letter of the Master of the Order, Bro Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP to the Vocation Promoters

Dear Brothers-Promoters of Vocations,

And how can they hear without someone to preach? (Romans 10:14) True, every vocation is a mystery. It is God who calls and sends labourers to the harvest. But those whom God calls need to “hear more clearly” God’s call. The prophet Samuel needed the help of the priest Eli to understand God’s call. This is precisely your task in promoting vocations to the Order, to invite and accompany those whom God calls to be Dominicans, that they may know and understand more deeply the “voice” of God. This presupposes, of course, that we ourselves have grown in familiarity with that voice, a “familiarity” that is nourished by the Dominican life we live. We invite people to join the friars (in particular) and the Dominican Family (in general) because we want to share with them the joy of preaching the Gospel, we want to share with them the treasure of the Dominican life.
I thank you for your participation in this meeting of vocation promoters organized by fr. Juan Manuel Hernandez, the Socius for Fraternal Life and Formation. May Your gathering be an occasion to learn from one another in your work as promoters, and an occasion to appreciate our vocation as friars-preachers!

Bro Gerard Francisco Timoner III, OP
Master of the Order

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Publication Date: 2024-06-17 03:46:30
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